
What motivates you to learn English?

★What motivates you to learn English? ★

*motivate=excite, fire, propel(駆り立てる)= ~する動機を与える

①What does it mean?→ "What is the purpose of learning English?"

②When do I use it?→When you want to know the person's "motive" of doing so.
*motive→reason, purpose

③Examples? ↓


At Hibiya park on July 23(Fri) at noon.
A Japanese gentleman in his 70's approaches with a smile on his face....

Gentleman :Hi. Do you come here often?

Miwako: Yes, this is my favorite spot in the park. Are you painting or something?

Gentleman: No, I come here to talk to people from abroad to learn English.

Miwako:  Amazing!  What motivates you to learn English?
               Are you planning to travel around the world?

Gentleman: No, no, no...I enjoy exploring the minds of people from all over the world.
                 That stimulates my brain and mind.
                 Yesterday, I talked to a person from France.
                 She told me how the electric bill is outrageous in Tokyo.
                 She complained that she can't use air conditioner often here
                 as the bill is twice higher than that of France.

Miwako: Really? I never knew that....

●favorite spot=お気に入りの場所
●explore=search, seek, investigate, survey=探求する
●people from abroad=外国人
●stimulate=activate, energize, inspire=活性化する
●outrageous=highly unusual=とんでもなく値段が高い
●I never knew that=全然知りませんでした


例文はTrue Storyです。

それで、思わず、What motivates you to learn English?と聞いたのです。


数学のセンスが全くない上にやる気がない私はまたもやかなりの驚きを込めて"What motivates you to study math?"と聞くと、

■おじいちゃん:「あの、Keeping  pointxxxxってご存知ですか?」
■私: 「うーん、聞いたことがあるような、ないような。。」

That gentleman must be an ET.. これからの時代、宇宙人とも対等にやっていくためには数学も勉強しなければ相手にされないに違いない。。

I was motivated to explore the world of math by this mysterious gentleman.

【Advanced example to stimulate your mind】


【What Motivates You to be Creative?】

What motivates you to think outside of your bubble?

How do you get outside of your left brain into your outrageously exciting, creatively appealing, right brain thinking patterns?

I’ll give you some tips that help me.
Think of something funny, or find humor in something that’s not necessarily funny (like politics–ha!).
Talk to someone about it.

Go outside and enjoy the outdoors.
Look at the clouds.
Enjoy the fresh air.
Get away from your desk/computer.
Take a quick power walk.
In other words . . . relax . . . enjoy life.
Try not to take it so seriously.

Start with an idea and begin to build upon that one idea.
Don’t be afraid to come up with outrageous concepts to add to that idea. Let the world be your playground as you flesh out your idea.
Another way to look at it is to think like a child.
Children don’t know how to reign themselves in.
You need to feel that way too.

As adults, we feel like we have to act like adults.
Okay, I’ll buy that. But what’s wrong with walking in the rain once in a while, just for the fun of it?
What’s wrong with playing with puzzles?
What’s wrong with drawing a picture on a whiteboard?
 Absolutely nothing, and it helps to get those creative juices flowing.

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