
The gap of information ---What do you believe?

Hi everyone,

In Japan, we are not hearing the information like below regarding the effect of massive earthquake happened on Mar.11, 2011 in Notheastern region of Japan.

It's totally up to you what to believe, but I am shocked to know the gap of information...

Here's the email I've received from one of the sources I trust...a few days ago.

Make no mistake, Fukushima is in a meltdown, and radiation is now showing up in U.S. milk products.

In a stunning new video, the famous Dr. Michio Kaku (physicist) lays it all out on a news interview without mincing words.

He said, to the great shock of many:

"If it goes to a full-scale evacuation of all personnel, it means that firefighters are no longer putting water onto the cores.

That's the only thing preventing a full-scale meltdown at three reactor sites.

Once they evacuate, then we past the point of no return. Meltdowns are inevitable at three reactor sites, leading to a tragedy far beyond that of Chernobyl, creating permanent dead zones in Japan."

In Tokyo, it seems things are getting back to normal so quickly.
I almost feel that people behave as if nothing has happend...
People go to work as usual, students go back to school as usual...

Whatever the truth is, all I can do right now is to live in a moment.
That's it.  There is no point of  spending my life worrying too much.
Instead, I believe something great will happen.  We have lots of selfless, compassionate and intelligent individuals all over the world.


A world...where anything is possible.

本日は今もなお世界に衝撃を与え続けている未来型ヒーロー、映画The Matrix の主人公Neoのラストシーンのセリフをご紹介します。

Neo : I know you're out there...

I can feel you now.

I know that you're afraid.

You're afraid of us, you're afraid of change...

I don't know the future...

I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end,I came here to tell you how this is going to begin.

Now, I'm going to hang up this phone,and I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see.
I'm going to show them a world without you...a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries.

A world...where anything is possible.

Wake Up ...Matrix... (10min. )

Review quiz #12

Today, let's refresh our memory with the fun quiz!

1. 褒めること、称賛

2. やる気を起させるきっかけ、動機付け

3. 賛辞、褒め言葉

4. うらやましい才能





9. 探していたことが見つかった!見つけた!あった!分かった!瞬間


11. What does NASA's STEREO stand for ?

12.必要は発明の母 (ことわざ)

13.What does SWOT stand for?

14.現代のレオナルド=ダビンチと言われるBuckminster= Fullerの言葉で

15.「聞いて! 昨日ついに、やっとわかったんだよ!」



1. 褒めること、称賛

2. やる気を起させるきっかけ、動機付け
= motivator

●文例:Praise is a powerful motivator.

3. 賛辞、褒め言葉
= compliment

●文例:Take the time to give genuine, specific compliments in a friendly, yet professional manner.

4. うらやましい才能
=enviable gift

= enviable versatility

●文例:I wish I had your enviable versatility!

= for years to come

●文例:We hope you will be inspiring us with your innovative thinking for years to come.

= discrepancy

●Without your sharp eye, we would have been working for days trying to resolve the discrepancies in our statistical data.

= craftsmanship

参考:Twitter 創始者のJack Dorseyの指導原理




9. 探していたことが見つかった!見つけた!あった!分かった!瞬間
= eureka moment

●文例:Have you ever had a "Eureka!"moment?


= silo (自分中心的な仕事のやり方、他部門と連携を取らない仕事のやり方、組織全体のことを考えず、自己部門のことだけを考えるという意味)

●文例:I found an ideal way of eliminating "silos" and achieving teamwork.

11. What does NASA's STEREO stand for ?
= Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory=太陽観測衛星

12.必要は発明の母 (ことわざ)
=Necessity is the mother of invention

13.What does SWOT stand for?
=S: Strength

 W: Weakness


 T: Threat

※SWOT 分析とは自社と競合他社の強み(Strength)・弱み(Weakness)・機会(Opportunity)・

14.現代のレオナルド=ダビンチと言われるBuckminster= Fullerの言葉で「より小さいエネルギーで最大限の結果を引き出す」という考え方、デザインサイエンスという考え方を表す言葉とは?
=Do more with less

15.「聞いて! 昨日ついに、やっとわかったんだよ!」
=Listen! I had a eureka moment yesterday!

= Your presentation was very interesting, accurate and motivating.

Isn't it such a nice feeling to learn new things everyday?

Have a fun day!

Aspartame is not your friend

Let's talk about our health today.

昨年12月に【Food Matters】という健康についてのDVDをオーダーしました。







Quiz: Why is it so important to avoid Aspartame?

A) because it destroys our intelligence gradually and affect short-term memory

B) because it can lead wide variety of diseases including Alzheimer's and depression

C) because it is a man-made neurotoxin

D) because it will make you fat

Answer: At the end of this email
#1 Food Additives to Avoid (避けるべき食品添加物第1位)

■Additive(添加物名): Aspartame

■Known as(別名): E951

■Used in(使用されているもの)

・So-called 【diet】or【sugar free】products (including diet coke, coke zero)



・sugar free gum(ノンシュガーガム)

・drink mixes,(ドリンクにフレーバーを付けるために混ぜるもの)

・table top sweeteners(卓上甘味料)




・ice tea

・chewable vitamins(噛み砕けるタイプのビタミン剤)


・cough syrup(咳どめシロップ)

■Reasons to avoid(避けるべき理由):Aspartame is a neurotoxin and carcinogen.
Known to erode intelligence and affect short-term memory,the components of this toxic sweetener may lead to a wide variety of ailments including brain tumor, diseases like lymphoma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis,
Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue,depression and anxiety attacks, dizziness,headaches, nausea, mental confusion and seizures.








●brain tumor=脳腫瘍



●multiple sclerosis=多発性硬化(症)




●chronic fatigue=慢性疲労


●anxiety attacks=不安発作



●mental confusion=精神錯乱


Answer: A,B,C

ちなみに食べても食べてもおなかがいっぱいにならないという症状をもたらし、肥満と糖尿病の主犯人といわれている食品添加物の名前はランキング第2位のHigh Fructose Corn Syrup





【Food Matters】のDVDについては国連大学にドイツからインターンとして来ている友人のNinaも知っていました。

彼女の興味がある分野としてFood Safetyがあるので、この情報はドイツの友人からメールで届いたばかりよ、と言っていました。


郷里の熊本には公立菊池養生園診療所 名誉園長 竹熊 宜孝先生という名医がいて、またこれがすごくおもしろい先生で、私たちの小学校に来て「食品添加物には注意してね、虫はころっと、人間はじわっと殺される」と教えてくださいました。



人工甘味料についての詳しい書物ではNew York Times Best Selling AuthorのDr. Mercola の[Sweet Deception]という書物が有名のようです。


I hope this information will be some of your help.