
Satoyama #1

It has been one of my dreams to stay overnight in  Satoyama in a completely natural setting.
(Not in a commercial way)

I guess my inner voice was heard and I was invited to Satoyama suddenly in an unexpected way.
Anyway, I would like to share what I've experienced in Satoyama over the last weekend with you.
(Oct.16 and 17 in Agano, Saitama)

There, I felt I've received some variable hints from Mother Nature and the incredible woman who practices sustainable lifestyle in Satoyama, Mrs. Kaneko and his son, Hiro on how we are supposed to live on Earth.

Seeing is believing, right?

Please watch these videos and answer the questions below.

●Seeing is believing. =《諺》百聞は一見にしかず。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NcQkDsWBE   20101017_金子家の畑   (5min.53sec)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2bIRXqSWSM   20101017_里山 野の花 (1min.57sec)

Well, how do you like the Satoyama life in Saitama?
It's not so far away from here.
It took me about 2 hours or less from Ikebukuro station.

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