
Political quiz

Would you dare to try the test on what's going on in the U.S.?


Current Events Test <http://pewresearch.org/politicalquiz/quiz/index.php>


Please read the sentences by Monica below and answer my quiz.

Current events test (I think this is new)....
Be sure to look at the demographics at the end, really scary how little most of the population knows what's going on.
Can also check out your wrong answers - if you have any.
Think you know what's going on???
Takes  30 seconds.
You can never underestimate the intelligence of the American people.
There are no tricks here - just a simple test to see if you are current on your information.
This is quite good and the results are shocking.
Test your knowledge with 11 questions, then be ready to shudder when you see how others did.
Click below:  It's short and sweet!
I got 9 correct answers.  Darn it!  I thought I hit a home run.




●Darn it! =しまった!/ちぇっ!/畜生!/いまいましい!
                ◆Damn itよりやや穏やかな表現。

1. What's so scary?

A) The unemployment rate in the U.S. is more than 50% now
B) So many people don't know what's going on in the U.S.
C) President Obama's Halloween costume
D) Most Americans are out of their mind

2. How did Monica do the test?

A) Perfect
B) 9 out of 10
C) 7 out of 11
D) 9 out of 11

Answers: 1=B, 2=D

Please try the test.
It's fun and educational.
Current Events Test <http://pewresearch.org/politicalquiz/quiz/index.php>
My score???
That's too scary to tell!

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