
Clinton's radical change in diet





Subject: 柯林頓接受CNN專訪,大力推薦《救命飲食》飲食方式 (中国語の字幕がヒントです) 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=500OI4TjC5o&feature=player_embedded  (2分) 

① What kind of diet is he on?

A) Meat-based
B) Slow food-based
C) Dairy-based
D) Plant-based

② Does he take any supplements? 

A) Yes, he takes a mixed drink with almond milk, fruit and protein powder
B) Yes he takes 3 fruit-based tablets a day
C)  Yes, he drinks a cup of milk with vitamin D
D)  Not at all

③ How much did he lose his weight? 
※ 1ポンド = 453.6グラム = 0.454キログラム

A) About 20 kg
B) About 10 Kg
C) About 30 kg
D) None of the above

④ Does he eat any meat? 

A) Not at all but he eats very little fish
B) Sometimes and he eats cheese and yogurt
C) When he feels like it
D) On special occasions

Answers: ① D ② A ③ B ④ A






●clogged up =詰まっている 





最後にインタビュアーがクリントンさんに言っている言葉"Thanks for what you are doing"(あなたがやっておられることに感謝します)というフレーズは、とても良い事をしているなと思っている人がいたら言ってあげると喜ばれる気のきいた表現だと思います。

BLITZER: How did you lose so much weight?
What kind of diet are you on?

CLINTON: Well, the short answer is, I went on essentially a plant- based diet.
I live on beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits.
I drink a protein supplement every morning.
No dairy.
I drink almond milk mixed in with fruit and a protein powder.

So I get the protein when I start the day out and it changed my whole metabolism
and I lost 24 pounds and I got back to basically to what I weighed in high school.

But I did it for a different reason, I mean, I wanted to lose weight,
but I never dreamed this would happen.

I did it because after I had this stent put in, I realized that even though it happens quite often that after --
yes, bypasses you lose the veins because they're thinner and weaker than arteries.

The truth is that it clogged up, which means that the cholesterol was still calling build up in my vein, that was part of my bypass and thank God I could take the stents.
I don't want it to happen again.

So I did all of this research and I saw that 82 percent of the people since 1986 who have gone a plant-based no dairy, no meat of any kind-- no chicken, turkey, I eat very little fish.
Once in a while I'll have a little fish.
Not that often.

If you can do it, 82 percent of the people have done that have begun to heal themselves.
There are arterial blockage cleans up.

The calcium deposit around their heart breaks up.
This movement has been led by a doctor named Caldwell Eserstein at the Cleveland clinic, Dean (inaudible) in California, the doctors, Campbell, father and son, who wrote the China study and a handful of others,but we now have 25 years of evidence.

And so I thought, well, since I needed to lose a little weight
for Chelsea's wedding, I'll become part of this experiment.
I'll see if I can be one of those that can have a self-clearing mechanism.
We'll see.

BLITZER: I hope you're healthy for many years and get to see grandchildren  for many years to come.

CLINTON: Me too. That's really the big deal.
You know, Hilary and I -- we're happy, we love our son-in-law and we admire him but
 -- and we'd like to be around if there's grandkids, we want to be there to do our part.

BLITZER: Mr. President, good luck.

CLINTON: Thank you.

BLITZER: Thanks for what you're doing.

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