
Impossible to Possible

When I was checking my emails, I have found an eye-opening message.

Question: How can we get new inspired solutions, according to the sender of the email?

A: Go to your medical doctor to have a special brain surgery

B: Read books as many as possible

C: Be compassionate with yourself first and then with others

D: Simply sleep all day

Answer: C
This holiday season, simply try putting compassion first.

No matter what the situation, find the compassion.

Whether it's about money, relationship or job dissatisfaction, health, weight ...any and all situations in your life where a solution has not been found, simply be compassionate with yourself first, compassionate with those involved second,and you will feel the world light up with new inspired solutions because, :Research about the brain reveals that compassionate thoughts literally light up the frontal lobe of a person's brain. 
(The frontal lobe is where the mind can access solutions.)

When we are resentful or angry, there is no light in that part of the brain, and so we shut down and fail to function well.

As soon as we deliberately think compassionate thoughts, this part of the brain lights up, and we can literally go from "impossible" to "possible" in an instant.

We welcome you to watch A Silent Night Movie as you need to renew your mind and find comfort and peace.
(Beautiful images, words, piano music of a silent night)

●job dissatisfaction=仕事に対する不満足

●frontal lobe=前頭葉


●in an instant= 一瞬のうちに






短いもので、tender (優しい、思いやりのある、親切な、情け深い 心配する、気を使う、気遣う)feeling

とりあえずは、寝る前に「よし、今日もよくやった。偉い!Good job!」と自分に言い聞かせてみました。 ちょっとは効き目があったのか、ぐっすり眠れました。

このメカニズムを理解して初めて、Impossible に思っていたことがPossibleに一瞬にして変わるなんてなんて素敵なメカニズムだろうと思います。 

Have a lovely day!

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