
About WikiLeaks founder

Do you know anything about the founder of WikiLeaks?

Let's look at him from his mother's perspective, for a change.

Question: Choose one answer which is NOT true about WikiLeaks founder(Julian Assange), according to his mother?

A:He was sensitive, good with animals, quiet and has a wicked sense of humor

B: He was a seeker of truth and was raised to believe evil flourished when good men did nothing

C: He got his PC at the age of 7 and was a very active boy playing foot ball all day

D: He is now 39 years old and has a 21-year-old son. He is a very good father.

E: He was brought up without religion but with a strong code of ethics

F: He studied mathematics and physics at the University of Melbourne

Answer: Please look at the bottom of this article..
TITLE: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's mum defends her son in his quest for truth
By Kristen Shorten
From: Herald Sun
December 02, 2010 1:51AM

WIKILEAKS editor-in-chief Julian Assange might be unpopular with the US and its allies, but he's still mummy's little boy.

Mr Assange's mother, Christine, who doesn't even own a computer and has been keeping up with her son's exploits through the media,said her son was a "seeker of truth".

Ms Assange, who bought Julian his first computer at age 13,said her son had been a curious child,
raised to believe evil flourished when good men did nothing.

"Whether you agree with what Julian does or not, living by what you believe in and standing up for something is a good thing," she said.

"He sees what he's doing as doing a good thing in the world, fighting baddies, if you like."

But she conceded she feared her 39-year-old son had "gotten too smart for himself".

"I'm just a normal mother. Whatever a normal mother would feel is what I would feel about all of it."

"I'm concerned it's gotten too big and the forces that he's challenging are too big."

Ms Assange said her "highly intelligent" son was brought up without religion, but with a strong code of ethics.

"He was lovely boy, very sensitive, good with animals, quiet and has a wicked sense of humour," she said.

"What people don't realise is that Julian is very funny.”

"He didn't actually come from a background of high technology;
he came from a background of creativity and a love of learning and books."

At 18, Mr Assange became a father when his son, Daniel, now 21, was born.

"Jules put his life and university studies on hold to parent Daniel and be there for him," Ms Assange said.

"He's a very good father - not many men of that age will fight for their kid, but he stepped up to the responsibility.

"To me that's an even greater achievement than WikiLeaks."

Father and son even attended university together when Daniel began his masters degree in genetics, aged 15, and his dad studied mathematics and physics at the University of Melbourne.

Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.
Answer: C


●mum=イギリス英語でママ、お母さん アメリカ英語では綴りはmom

●have a wicked sense of humor=悪ふざけでおもしろいことを言う 

●fighting baddies=犯人と闘う

●code of ethics=倫理観、倫理規定

●genetics =遺伝学 


Source: http://www.news.com.au/national/wikileaks-founder-julian-assanges-mum-defends-her-son/story-e6frfkvr-1225964232832 (原文)
http://www.nikkei.com/news/headline/article/g=96958A9C93819499E2E6E2E3958DE2E7E3E0E0E2E3E2E2E2E2E2E2E2 (日経新聞記事)




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