
Max Loughan: Very young genius inventor inspired by Nicola Tesla

Searching for something to get inspired? 
Meet Max Loughan, who could be the next Nicola Tesla! 

In this video, Max Loughan said: 

"As cheesy as this sounds, from day one on this planet, I knew I was put here for a reason. And the reason is to invent and to bring the future." 

"My true goal is to help. It's to invent a future where people can be happy, people can be safe and sound." 

Feel this boy's sharp mind and unstoppable passion by watching him talk on toughest topics such as God, quantum physics, Mandela effects, parallel universes....  

Does he sound cheesy for you?  

For me, when I found about him, my heart leaped with joy and excitement and could not stop knowing more about him. There is so much to learn from him.

Watch carefully how he introduces himself; he was only 12 when he made this video.
  Also, look at his innocent eyes full of hope determined to create the better future. 

If Max Loughan were the next Nicola Tesla, and if we could collectively nurture his talent and support him in every possible way, how would our future look like?  

I want to show my deepest respect to Max Loughan for his extremely brave heart for what he has been doing with his pure intention to invent better future having the strong sense of responsibility; he should be well protected and supported.

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