


Answer: What is essential is invisible to the eyes.




ところが、去年フランスに行ったことがきっかけで、思いがけなく出会ったとても気の合うフランス人の方からの最近のemailに"...I feel like the fox in "The Little Prince". Sure that you understand what I'm speaking about" と英語で書かれていて(私がフランス語はまだ全くと言っていいほどできないので、コミュニケーションは英語のおかげで成り立っています)、その人とは長くつきあえる友人になりたいと思っていたので、大変あせりました。



それはフランス人による星の王子さまのミュージカルで、それにありがたいことに善意により英語の字幕がついているものです。 ミュージカルなので、また音楽も素晴らしく、フランス人の感性に私の星の王子さまの印象が全く違うものになりました。  




Fox (song):
♪If you want to play with me,
 you have to tame me and create ties step by step 
to start t to *befriend (*友人になる、仲良くなる)me

If not, to me you're nothing but a little boy like the others 
You don't know me, so to you, I'm a fox like the others 
*Tame(*飼いならす) me, I beg you 
if you need a friend 
and to *my dying breath (*息を引き取る間際まで、つまり死ぬまで) you will be unique to me
But if you tame me, my life will be full of sunlight
I will know your footsteps which will call me out of the *burrow (巣穴)
and the blond color of the wheat fields will remind me of you 
I will love the sound of the wind that comes through the fields 
Tame me, I beg you if you need a friend and to my dying breath you will be unique to me 

Nobody knows anything but the things they've tamed, 
but people don't have enough time to *linger (しばらくとどまる)when they meet others 
They buy ready-made things 
but there are no merchants who sell friendship ready-made, so people don't have any friends 

Tame me, I beg you, if you need a friend and to my dying breath, you will be unique to me. 
We will have to meet up to let our hearts get used to each other 
And all those moments between us will be the price of happiness ♪
Prince: What do I have to do? 

Fox: You have to be very patient.
At first, you'll sit a little far from me. 
I'll watch you from the corner of my eye. 
And you'll say nothing. 
Language is the source of misunderstanding. 
But every day, you can sit a little closer. 

Prince: I have to leave 
Fox: I'm going to cry 
Prince: It's your fault. I didn't want to hurt you, but you wanted me to tame you. 
Fox: Of course 
Prince: But you're going to cry? 
Fox: Of course 
Prince: So you didn't gain anything 
Fox: Oh, I gained. Because of the color of the wheat..Go see the roses and you'll understand yours is unique. 

Prince (song):
♪You are not at all like my rose 
Even if an ordinary* passer-by(*通りがかりの人) could claim the opposite 
You are nothing
No one has tamed you 
You haven't tamed anyone 
If you don't make friends 
You aren't unique in all the world 
You are beautiful but you are empty 
One could not die for you 
and herself alone, my rose is more important than all of you 
Because it's her that I have watered 
Because it's her that I have protected 
Because it's her that I have listened to 
Because it's my rose 
Because it's her that I have sheltered 
Because it's her that that I've *reassured(*安心させる)
Because it's her that I have loved 
Because she's my rose♪ 
 Fox (song):
♪ For your farewell, here's my secret 
you can't see anything except with the heart 
You must understand that the essential is invisible to the eyes 
If everyone has forgotten this truth, you must not forget it. 
It's the time you lost(have spent time) for your rose that makes your rose so important 
You become responsible forever for what you've tamed 

♪So I'm responsible for my rose forever 
Because it's here that I have watered
(Fox: watered)
Because it's her that I protected 
(Fox: protected)
Because it's her that I listened to
Because she's my rose 
(Fox: Because she's your rose)
Because it's her that I have sheltered 
(Fox: Sheltered)
Because it's her that I reassured 
(Fox: reassured)
Because it's her that I have loved 
Because she's my rose 
(Fox: Because she's your rose)
Because of her...
Because she's my rose ♪ 

Fox: Don't forget my secret 

You can only see clearly with the heart
What is essential is invisible to the eyes 
It's the time you lost for your rose that makes your rose so important




*What is essential is invisible to the eyes:大切なものは目に見えない。

*You can only see clearly (or rightly) with the heart 

*It is the time you lost (have spent with) for your rose that makes your rose so important 


この美しい物語(Le Petit Prince:Spectacle Musical) の全編はここからご覧いただけます 



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