★You are kidding!★
①What does it mean?→ "You are joking!"
②When do I use it?→When you hear something you can not believe.
Miwako: I do not have a TV at home.
Monica: You are kidding! I can not live without it!
Source:これはしょっちゅう聞いた言葉です。日本語のニュアンスでは「うっそー!」「冗談だよね!?」といった感じでしょうか?異文化の人たちと話をしていると日本人の常識では考えられないことがたくさんあるし、相手も日本人の常識が信じられないといったことがよくあるので、お互い話しながら、"You are kidding!" "You are joking, right?"の連発になることがよくあります。
Sam: You are kidding! (目を見開いて、すっごく驚く)
その1ヶ月後、今度は米国本国からGeneral Managerが視察に来ることになりました。
私はもちろん、"You are kidding!"と思わず言ってしまいました。
Subject: A Short Film Presentation of Taiwan History (well done)
Click below underline in blue to see the clip.
介紹台灣的影片 <http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/violinworld/article?mid=4863&prev=-1&next=4862>
This blog is designed to "WAKE UP" your hidden abilities. My intention is to free your mind and unleash your creativity learning English.
How did it go?
★How did it go?★
①What does it mean?→ "How was it?"
②When do I use it?→When you talk to someone who just came back from a business trip, meeting, job interview, conference to give his/her presentation, etc..
③Examples? : How did the trip go?
How did the meeting go?
How did your job interview go?
How did your date with Ken go? etc..
Miwako: How did your presentation go?
Janice: It went very smoothly.
Tom: It went well.
Rose: Not too well, I think.
Sam: I didn't feel like my presentation went as smoothly as usual.
Source: これは日常生活でも、職場でもよく聞かれた質問です。
ただ、質問のHow did it go?は決まり文句なのでぜひ覚えておかれると会話がはずんで便利です。
①What does it mean?→ "How was it?"
②When do I use it?→When you talk to someone who just came back from a business trip, meeting, job interview, conference to give his/her presentation, etc..
③Examples? : How did the trip go?
How did the meeting go?
How did your job interview go?
How did your date with Ken go? etc..
Miwako: How did your presentation go?
Janice: It went very smoothly.
Tom: It went well.
Rose: Not too well, I think.
Sam: I didn't feel like my presentation went as smoothly as usual.
Source: これは日常生活でも、職場でもよく聞かれた質問です。
ただ、質問のHow did it go?は決まり文句なのでぜひ覚えておかれると会話がはずんで便利です。
Review quiz #1
Enjoy the quiz!
Quiz(1)「週末はゆっくり休んでね」 Have a good rest of the weekend.
Quiz(2)「あなたはそのことについてどう思います?」 What are your thoughts on that?
Quiz(3)「あなたみたいにすごい人は他にはいない!」 You are one of a kind!
Quiz(4)「なんとかやってみます。」 I'll figure it out.
Quiz(5)「それは言葉では言い表せない(ほどすごい)!」 It's beyond words!
What are their hot buttons?
Quiz(7)「楽しんでね!」 Have fun!
Quiz(8)「どのようにしたらあなたのお役に立てるでしょうか?」 How may I serve you?
★We hope that our paths will cross again. ★
★Bon voyage!★
Quiz(1)「週末はゆっくり休んでね」 Have a good rest of the weekend.
Quiz(2)「あなたはそのことについてどう思います?」 What are your thoughts on that?
Quiz(3)「あなたみたいにすごい人は他にはいない!」 You are one of a kind!
Quiz(4)「なんとかやってみます。」 I'll figure it out.
Quiz(5)「それは言葉では言い表せない(ほどすごい)!」 It's beyond words!
What are their hot buttons?
Quiz(7)「楽しんでね!」 Have fun!
Quiz(8)「どのようにしたらあなたのお役に立てるでしょうか?」 How may I serve you?
★We hope that our paths will cross again. ★
★Bon voyage!★
He's one of a kind!
★He/She's one of a kind!★
①What does it mean?→ "He/She is extremely unique and brilliant."
②When do I use it?→When you want to describe someone who is so unique, incomparable,
like Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, etc.
③Examples? ↓
Miwako: Do you know the guy named "Nicola Tesla"?
Jeff: Of course!
He is one of a kind!
He was a greater inventor than Thomas Edison.
Source: 実は例文は実際に行われた会話です。
Nicola Teslaという名前を初めて聞いたのはカリフォルニア大学バークレー校で物理学を専攻している学生からでした。
彼は僕の夢はタイムマシンを作ることだといい、一番影響を受けたサイエンティストがNicola Teslaだと言いました。
私は全くその名前を聞いたことがなかったので、試しに科学にめちゃくちゃ詳しいJeff,(アメリカで有名な科学雑誌「Scientific American」を全て読んでいて、全て保管している)に聞いたら即"He is one of a kind!"という答えが返ってきたわけです。
①What does it mean?→ "He/She is extremely unique and brilliant."
②When do I use it?→When you want to describe someone who is so unique, incomparable,
like Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, etc.
③Examples? ↓
Miwako: Do you know the guy named "Nicola Tesla"?
Jeff: Of course!
He is one of a kind!
He was a greater inventor than Thomas Edison.
Source: 実は例文は実際に行われた会話です。
Nicola Teslaという名前を初めて聞いたのはカリフォルニア大学バークレー校で物理学を専攻している学生からでした。
彼は僕の夢はタイムマシンを作ることだといい、一番影響を受けたサイエンティストがNicola Teslaだと言いました。
私は全くその名前を聞いたことがなかったので、試しに科学にめちゃくちゃ詳しいJeff,(アメリカで有名な科学雑誌「Scientific American」を全て読んでいて、全て保管している)に聞いたら即"He is one of a kind!"という答えが返ってきたわけです。
Have fun!
★Have fun!★
①What does it mean?→ "Enjoy what you are going to experience."
②When do I use it?→When you want to encourage someone in a positive way.
③Examples? ↓
A: I have to give my presentation to 100 people. I don't know what to do.
B: Have fun! You'll do just fine.
Source: この表現もアメリカで良く聞いたフレーズの一つです。
例えばよく学校へ行く子供たちに母親が"Have fun!"と言って送り出している様子もよく見ました。
①What does it mean?→ "Enjoy what you are going to experience."
②When do I use it?→When you want to encourage someone in a positive way.
③Examples? ↓
A: I have to give my presentation to 100 people. I don't know what to do.
B: Have fun! You'll do just fine.
Source: この表現もアメリカで良く聞いたフレーズの一つです。
例えばよく学校へ行く子供たちに母親が"Have fun!"と言って送り出している様子もよく見ました。
What are their hot buttons?
Today, I would like to share the tips for giving great presentations.
★Audience Analysis - who are they? And what are their hot buttons?★
*"hot button" means something that elicits a strong emotional response or reaction.
Source: Excerpt from the attached file.
The file "Tips for Giving Great Presentations" was sent to me last night by Garry, an expert of global communications.
He has been famous for his great presentations.
He was an executive director at a global IT company when I first met him about 10 years ago.
He was born in Australia, grew up in U.S. and Singapore, got education in Australia and worked in several different countries including Japan, Russia, Germany and China. Now he lives in Hong Kong with his wife (Native Chinese) after his retirement.
He also teaches MBA program in Australia as a visiting professor.
I got the permission from him to share the information with you, so please feel free to share it with anyone who needs it.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Hi Miwako,
You might find this useful.
I actually prepared this for my daughters.
Best wishes.
★Audience Analysis - who are they? And what are their hot buttons?★
*"hot button" means something that elicits a strong emotional response or reaction.
Source: Excerpt from the attached file.
The file "Tips for Giving Great Presentations" was sent to me last night by Garry, an expert of global communications.
He has been famous for his great presentations.
He was an executive director at a global IT company when I first met him about 10 years ago.
He was born in Australia, grew up in U.S. and Singapore, got education in Australia and worked in several different countries including Japan, Russia, Germany and China. Now he lives in Hong Kong with his wife (Native Chinese) after his retirement.
He also teaches MBA program in Australia as a visiting professor.
I got the permission from him to share the information with you, so please feel free to share it with anyone who needs it.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Hi Miwako,
You might find this useful.
I actually prepared this for my daughters.
Best wishes.
Tips for Giving Great Presentations
l Use multiple colors on your charts (the brain works on differences not sameness)
l Each presentation has a Beginning, Middle and End (every good story has this)
The ‘Tell them” Outline (as you see every night on TV news)
l Beginning – tell them what you are going to say eg today, let me tell you about …
l Middle
l End -tell them what you said eg to recap, today I told you about ….
The Short Presentation Outline
l Opening (open the loop)
l Agenda (areas to be covered that bring the topic to life)
l Body (cover each area)
l Summary (the key ideas that you want the audience to remember and take away - do not repeat the content)
l Conclusion (close the loop)
Steps for Creating the Presentation
1. Audience Analysis – who are they? And what are their hot buttons
2. Set the Objective – what do you want the Audience to think, feel and do as a result of this presentation
3. Collect information
4. Structure the presentation
5. Choose visual aid(s)
6. Edit - put on the Audience hat; check against the Audience Analysis
7. Rehearsal
8. Do it!
Delivery Skills – Eye Contact
l For the whole time you speak, make sure you look someone in the eyes
l Gazing up or down or at no-one shows disinterest
l Follow the ‘one thought, one person’ principle eg if you are saying ‘I am always positive, truthful and helping others’ -you could switch eye contact for each of positive, truthful, helping thoughts - you could also look at one person for two of the thoughts and switch to another for the last thought etc
l Decision makers should get 60% of the eye contact, influencers 20% and everyone else 20%
l Target your eyes at the person most interested in the thought eg if you are talking about a financial matter, you might look at the CFO
l Eye contact also affects your voice -the brain will create more modulation in your voice as you make eye contact, otherwise your voice tends to slip into monotone (boring)
Delivery Skills (Gesturing)
l There are 3 ranges of gesturing – conservative (moving hands about the width of a volley ball, moderate (moving hands about the width of a beach ball) and dynamic (moving hands expansively like a hot air balloon)
l Use conservative for one on one or one on a few, moderate for a conference room, dynamic for a theatre
l Use hands at the right time to emphasize eg numbering some points 1, 2, 3, saying the stock market will fall you might show a falling movement with both hands etc -do not gesture for the sake of it or without any synchronization with thoughts
l Do not hold your hands in the ‘fig leaf’ area – the whole Audience will look there while you speak
Delivery Skills (Voice)
l There are three volume ranges – audible whisper, normal tone, loud -using a variety in a speech captures audience attention
l Can also use a range of Notes so you don’t sound monotone and put everyone to sleep
I'll figure it out.
★I'll figure it out★
①What does it mean?→ "I somehow find a way to do it."
②When do I use it?→When you want to find a way with your creative mind. When you do not want to waste someone's time giving you instructions.
③Examples? ↓
A: I want you to go to Ecuador to get the information. Have you ever been to Ecuador?
B: No. But don't worry, I'll figure it out.
Source: この表現はアメリカで良く聞いたフレーズの一つです。
①What does it mean?→ "I somehow find a way to do it."
②When do I use it?→When you want to find a way with your creative mind. When you do not want to waste someone's time giving you instructions.
③Examples? ↓
A: I want you to go to Ecuador to get the information. Have you ever been to Ecuador?
B: No. But don't worry, I'll figure it out.
Source: この表現はアメリカで良く聞いたフレーズの一つです。
It's beyond words.
★It's beyond words.★
①What does it mean?→ "I can not explain it with words/logical mind."
②When do I use it?→When you lost your words to describe its beauty, wonder, nonsense, stupidity, etc. You can use it for both positive and negative sentences/statements.
③Examples? →I can say without any hesitation that this is my favorite song of all time.
Its beauty is beyond words.
コメント: 先週土曜日の夜、生まれて初めて蛍を見ました。
まさにIts beauty is beyond words...でした。
①What does it mean?→ "I can not explain it with words/logical mind."
②When do I use it?→When you lost your words to describe its beauty, wonder, nonsense, stupidity, etc. You can use it for both positive and negative sentences/statements.
③Examples? →I can say without any hesitation that this is my favorite song of all time.
Its beauty is beyond words.
コメント: 先週土曜日の夜、生まれて初めて蛍を見ました。
まさにIts beauty is beyond words...でした。
What are your thoughts on that?
★What are your thoughts on that?★
①What does it mean?→ "What do you think about that?"
②When do I use it?→When you want to have someone's ideas.
③Examples? →What are your thoughts on the following information?
What are your thoughts on climate change issue?
What are your thoughts on how Toyota is handling this huge recall?
Source: この表現は最近You tubeで見た英語による講義の質疑応答で、
質問者が「現在のお金をベースにした経済の仕組みよりもっといい、全く新しい経済の仕組みはありませんか?」といった難問を聞いてきたときに、質問された人は"Well, that's a very good question. What are your thoughts on that, first?”と逆に聞き返していました。
①What does it mean?→ "What do you think about that?"
②When do I use it?→When you want to have someone's ideas.
③Examples? →What are your thoughts on the following information?
What are your thoughts on climate change issue?
What are your thoughts on how Toyota is handling this huge recall?
Source: この表現は最近You tubeで見た英語による講義の質疑応答で、
質問者が「現在のお金をベースにした経済の仕組みよりもっといい、全く新しい経済の仕組みはありませんか?」といった難問を聞いてきたときに、質問された人は"Well, that's a very good question. What are your thoughts on that, first?”と逆に聞き返していました。
Have a good rest of the weekend.
★Have a good rest of the weekend.★
①What does it mean?→ "Spend weekends relaxing."
②When do I use it?→Like today, Friday!
③Other examples? →Here's a real example.
"Have a good rest of the weekend." is used in the end of the email.
Hi. Thanks very much for the last batches of work you did. It was very helpful for us.
Please let me know if you have any trouble with the files.
Have a good rest of the weekend.
①What does it mean?→ "Spend weekends relaxing."
②When do I use it?→Like today, Friday!
③Other examples? →Here's a real example.
"Have a good rest of the weekend." is used in the end of the email.
Hi. Thanks very much for the last batches of work you did. It was very helpful for us.
Please let me know if you have any trouble with the files.
Have a good rest of the weekend.
International Conference Call
Dear all,
I had a great opportunity to attend an international conference call yesterday.
Representatives from Japan, France, Korea, Israel, Sweden and Switzerland joined the conference call.
None of them were native speakers of English and it was really hard to understand what they were talking about.
I would like to share some of the expressions used in the "REAL" international conference.
More to come later...
★Does that make sense?
★That's an excellent point
★That's a very good point.
★Could you give me an example?
★What do you mean by "alternative car"?
★I would like to make a comment on "hazardous waste".
★Could(Would) it be possible to change ....?
Have a great day!
■Conference call (電話会議)について■
もっとFace to faceの人間らしい会話、例えば仕事仲間と「カフェでうだうだする」といったことのほうが本音で話せて電話会議よりはるかに価値があると思われる。
メールより電話、電話よりはFace to faceの対話が長い目で見て効果的かつ効率的なのではないだろうか。
Take it easy.
I had a great opportunity to attend an international conference call yesterday.
Representatives from Japan, France, Korea, Israel, Sweden and Switzerland joined the conference call.
None of them were native speakers of English and it was really hard to understand what they were talking about.
I would like to share some of the expressions used in the "REAL" international conference.
More to come later...
★Does that make sense?
★That's an excellent point
★That's a very good point.
★Could you give me an example?
★What do you mean by "alternative car"?
★I would like to make a comment on "hazardous waste".
★Could(Would) it be possible to change ....?
Have a great day!
■Conference call (電話会議)について■
もっとFace to faceの人間らしい会話、例えば仕事仲間と「カフェでうだうだする」といったことのほうが本音で話せて電話会議よりはるかに価値があると思われる。
メールより電話、電話よりはFace to faceの対話が長い目で見て効果的かつ効率的なのではないだろうか。
Take it easy.
How may I serve you?
★How may I serve you? ★
①What does it mean?→“How can I help you?” or “May I help you?.
This expression sounds more polite and professional.
②When do I use it?→Whenever you want to help your customer or anyone.
③Other examples? →How may we serve you?/ How may(can) we serve you better this year?
①What does it mean?→“How can I help you?” or “May I help you?.
This expression sounds more polite and professional.
②When do I use it?→Whenever you want to help your customer or anyone.
③Other examples? →How may we serve you?/ How may(can) we serve you better this year?
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