
Impossible to Possible

When I was checking my emails, I have found an eye-opening message.

Question: How can we get new inspired solutions, according to the sender of the email?

A: Go to your medical doctor to have a special brain surgery

B: Read books as many as possible

C: Be compassionate with yourself first and then with others

D: Simply sleep all day

Answer: C
This holiday season, simply try putting compassion first.

No matter what the situation, find the compassion.

Whether it's about money, relationship or job dissatisfaction, health, weight ...any and all situations in your life where a solution has not been found, simply be compassionate with yourself first, compassionate with those involved second,and you will feel the world light up with new inspired solutions because, :Research about the brain reveals that compassionate thoughts literally light up the frontal lobe of a person's brain. 
(The frontal lobe is where the mind can access solutions.)

When we are resentful or angry, there is no light in that part of the brain, and so we shut down and fail to function well.

As soon as we deliberately think compassionate thoughts, this part of the brain lights up, and we can literally go from "impossible" to "possible" in an instant.

We welcome you to watch A Silent Night Movie as you need to renew your mind and find comfort and peace.
(Beautiful images, words, piano music of a silent night)

●job dissatisfaction=仕事に対する不満足

●frontal lobe=前頭葉


●in an instant= 一瞬のうちに






短いもので、tender (優しい、思いやりのある、親切な、情け深い 心配する、気を使う、気遣う)feeling

とりあえずは、寝る前に「よし、今日もよくやった。偉い!Good job!」と自分に言い聞かせてみました。 ちょっとは効き目があったのか、ぐっすり眠れました。

このメカニズムを理解して初めて、Impossible に思っていたことがPossibleに一瞬にして変わるなんてなんて素敵なメカニズムだろうと思います。 

Have a lovely day!

Heartfelt message (心からのメッセージ)

Have you ever received/sent heartfelt messages from/to your friends?

Those messages are so special and make us feel really happy.

●heartfelt message=心からのメッセージ

Question: Please translate the Japanese sentences below in English .




⑥たくさんの愛をこめて  Janiceより 
①My life continues to be interesting both personally and professionally.

②As for work, I am preparing to make a change.

③It is time for me to follow my heart.

④Please know that I think very highly of you and would be happy to help you in any way possible.

⑤You are a dear friend and I will be thinking of you during the Christmas holiday.

⑥Much love, Janice


遠く離れていても、一年に一度のGreeting cardでこんなにも心がつながるものかと思いました。 


Have a happy day!

Season's greetings

Have you written any greeting cards yet?

Question: Your Japanese boss asked you to send a nice "Christmas card" to one of his American clients he has just met yesterday.    Which card would you choose ?  Choose the most appropriate one.

A) Thank you.

B)  A happy new year!

C)  Merry Christmas.

D)  Season's greetings.

Answer: D


Season's Greetings という英語をクリスマスカードなどでよく見かけられるのではないでしょうか?
アメリカでは普通は11月後半の感謝祭から年末にかけての holiday season (ホリデーシーズン、年末休暇シーズン)に出すようです。



日本でアメリカ人と聞くとキリスト教徒だと思いこんで、すぐにMerry Christmasという言葉を言ったり、書いたりする傾向があるようですが、実はこのことでアメリカでのビジネスで大失敗した日本人ビジネスマンの話を聞いたことがあります。
その人は、完璧な映画に関する企画ができたので、はりきって米国の有名な映画監督に企画書プラス気をきかせたつもりで「Merry Christmas!」のカードを送りました。



逆に相手がキリスト教徒だということを熟知している場合は、「Merry Christmas」と書いたほうが親近感をもたれるでしょうね。


アメリカではElf yourself. Comというサイトがはやっているようで、自分の顔やペットの顔をあらかじめ用意されたの動画に入れて音楽付で踊らせるという面白いグリーティングカードがあり、それを見せてもらったときにはほんとおかしかったです。 
Season's Greetings from the Demuro's,
Wishing you a happy, healthy and wealthy 2011!
Lisa & John
Visit ElfYourself to make and share your own ElfYourself dance!
Let's get things done welcoming a new year!


I highly recommend you check out!

Yesterday, I received an unique commercial e-mail about a film relating health issues.

Please take a look at the email below as it has some useful expressions when you want to recommend something.

It appears to be an interesting documentary film.

This is the link to view the trailer for the film.

*Below is You Tube version

                                                                       (Official trailer )

                                                                 (The first 8min. Part 1)

Question: Which message is NOT mentioned in the trailer?

A: In this modern age, taking drugs is the best solution to our health

B: Solutions have been always here in every culture. Food matters; You are what you eat

C: Good health makes a lot of sense, but it doesn't make a lot of dollars

D: One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive  and 3 quarters of what you eat keeps your doctor alive

Answer: A
Hi Miwako,

I'm a really big fan of documentary films and the power that they have to change the world.
I think they have the ability to open people up to the truth in a way that nothing else can.

The film is called Food Matters.
It's eye-opening view on the 'sickness industry' is why I consider it one of my "must see" recommendations.

Food Matters goes into other health issues like cancer and heart disease and even goes into emotional issues like depression and mental illness and how those are effected by the food we eat.

Plus they talk about the depletion of our soils and reveal some startling information about the drug industry
and their opinion on vitamins.

You can check out the trailer for the film here:

This is a good film.
I don't give a strong endorsement to many things.

This is one thing I highly recommend you check out.

To your health,

●You are what you eat=食べ物が体をつくる



●mental illness=精神疾患




●drug industry=製薬業 


■I highly recommend you check out!■ 

I couldn't resist! (そうせずにはいられなかったんです)





Have a healthy day!


How does WikiLeaks work?

Are you curious to know how WikiLeaks works?

Let's find it out from the founder himself.

Here is the link where you can watch the interview with WikiLeaks founder, Mr. Julian Assange.

(This was filmed July, 2010 at TED speech site)

※You tubeのビデオには日本語訳が出てきませんが、TEDの以下のリンクをクリックして画面を見ると便利なスクリプトを表示させてくれる機能があります。 ↓
 http://www.ted.com/talks/julian_assange_why_the_world_needs_wikileaks.html (20min.)

全日本語訳が知りたいときは画面右上のOpen Interactive transcriptという文字をクリックし「Japanese」を選択してください。


インタビューを画面で見ているときに字幕を表示するには画面下の【Subtitles available in】のところで【Japanese】選んでください。

Below is the excerpt of the interview.




●legal jurisdiction=司法権、法域



Host: How does it(WikiLeaks) work?

How do people release the documents?

And how do you secure their privacy?

Mr. Assange: So these are -- as far as we can tell -- classical whistleblowers.

And we have a number of ways for them to get information to us.

So we use just state-of-the-art encryption to bounce stuff around the Internet,
to hide trails, pass it through legal jurisdictions like Sweden and Belgium to enact those legal protections.

We get information in the mail, the regular postal mail,encrypted or not, get it like a regular news organization, format it -- which is sometimes something that's quite hard to do, when you're talking about giant databases of information -- release it to the public and then defend ourselves against the inevitable legal and political attacks.

Host: So you make an effort to ensure the documents are legitimate.
But you actually almost never know who the identity of the source is.

Mr. Assange: That's right, yeah.
Very rarely do we ever know.
And if we find out at some stage then we destroy that information as soon as possible.


どう 情報を受け取り― どう プライバシーを守っているんですか?


私達が受け取る情報は おそらくは 内部告発によるものです

データの受け渡し方法は いくつも用意しています

例えば最新の暗号技術を用い インターネット上で痕跡を消しつつ
スウェーデンやベルギーのような 法的保護の整った国を介しながら


暗号化されていることもあれば されていないこともあります

それを 普通の報道機関のように 裏を取り 形式を整えます

それを世間に公表し 当然予想される法的 政治的な攻撃から 身を守ります

(司会者)つまり 情報の正当性を 検証しているということですね

しかし 情報源が誰なのかは 実際 分からないんですよね?

(アサンジ氏)ええ 滅多に分かりません

たとえ分かったとしても すぐに情報を破棄します

Source: http://www.nikkei.com/news/headline/article/g=96958A9C93819499E2E6E2E3958DE2E7E3E0E0E2E3E2E2E2E2E2E2E2;df=3








【The fact】

"WikiLeaks has had more scoops in three years than the Washington Post has had in 30(years)."
Clay Shirky

Have an awesome day!

About WikiLeaks founder

Do you know anything about the founder of WikiLeaks?

Let's look at him from his mother's perspective, for a change.

Question: Choose one answer which is NOT true about WikiLeaks founder(Julian Assange), according to his mother?

A:He was sensitive, good with animals, quiet and has a wicked sense of humor

B: He was a seeker of truth and was raised to believe evil flourished when good men did nothing

C: He got his PC at the age of 7 and was a very active boy playing foot ball all day

D: He is now 39 years old and has a 21-year-old son. He is a very good father.

E: He was brought up without religion but with a strong code of ethics

F: He studied mathematics and physics at the University of Melbourne

Answer: Please look at the bottom of this article..
TITLE: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's mum defends her son in his quest for truth
By Kristen Shorten
From: Herald Sun
December 02, 2010 1:51AM

WIKILEAKS editor-in-chief Julian Assange might be unpopular with the US and its allies, but he's still mummy's little boy.

Mr Assange's mother, Christine, who doesn't even own a computer and has been keeping up with her son's exploits through the media,said her son was a "seeker of truth".

Ms Assange, who bought Julian his first computer at age 13,said her son had been a curious child,
raised to believe evil flourished when good men did nothing.

"Whether you agree with what Julian does or not, living by what you believe in and standing up for something is a good thing," she said.

"He sees what he's doing as doing a good thing in the world, fighting baddies, if you like."

But she conceded she feared her 39-year-old son had "gotten too smart for himself".

"I'm just a normal mother. Whatever a normal mother would feel is what I would feel about all of it."

"I'm concerned it's gotten too big and the forces that he's challenging are too big."

Ms Assange said her "highly intelligent" son was brought up without religion, but with a strong code of ethics.

"He was lovely boy, very sensitive, good with animals, quiet and has a wicked sense of humour," she said.

"What people don't realise is that Julian is very funny.”

"He didn't actually come from a background of high technology;
he came from a background of creativity and a love of learning and books."

At 18, Mr Assange became a father when his son, Daniel, now 21, was born.

"Jules put his life and university studies on hold to parent Daniel and be there for him," Ms Assange said.

"He's a very good father - not many men of that age will fight for their kid, but he stepped up to the responsibility.

"To me that's an even greater achievement than WikiLeaks."

Father and son even attended university together when Daniel began his masters degree in genetics, aged 15, and his dad studied mathematics and physics at the University of Melbourne.

Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.
Answer: C


●mum=イギリス英語でママ、お母さん アメリカ英語では綴りはmom

●have a wicked sense of humor=悪ふざけでおもしろいことを言う 

●fighting baddies=犯人と闘う

●code of ethics=倫理観、倫理規定

●genetics =遺伝学 


Source: http://www.news.com.au/national/wikileaks-founder-julian-assanges-mum-defends-her-son/story-e6frfkvr-1225964232832 (原文)
http://www.nikkei.com/news/headline/article/g=96958A9C93819499E2E6E2E3958DE2E7E3E0E0E2E3E2E2E2E2E2E2E2 (日経新聞記事)




Have a super good day!

Why "five score years ago" means "100 years ago"?

Today, let's learn how to answer a question clearly in English.

Source: English version of http://answers.yahoo.com/

★QUESTION: Why "five score years ago" means "100 years ago"?

I was translating in Italian language M. L. King's speech "I have a dream".

I've read the sentence "five score years ago", so I took a look to the Italian translation on internet, and I saw that it is translated as "100 years ago".

Could you explain me the reason, please?


"Score" is a term used for the number 20.

Therefore, when we see "five score", it means "5 groups of twenty" or 100.

Five score years means 100 years!



一体、Five score years agoってどういうことだろう?


この"I have a dream"のスピーチが行われたのは1963年。








He is a genius, isn't he?


ちなみに日本ではキング牧師と一般的に言われていますが、英語表記ではRev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.というのが正式名のようです。


ただ"I have a dream" スピーチの紹介のときはRev.ではなく、"I have a pleasure to present to you, Dr. Maltin Luther King, Jr."のように紹介されていました。 




Have a terrific day!


Review Quiz # 6

Let's refresh our memory with the quiz!

1. 開会挨拶

2. 開催場所

3. OECD 事務総長

4. 今後の展望 


6. 私に何でもお申し付けください。


8. 私は環境省の佐々木です。 

9. ジョンソン氏の提案は全くの理想論であって、現実的ではありません。

10. 環境保全は社会的使命です。 

☆From Martin Luther King's famous speech...☆

① 今日の、そして明日の困難に直面してはいても、私にはなお夢がある。

② それはアメリカンドリームに根差した夢である。

③ 将来、この国が立ち上がり、「全ての人間は平等である」というこの国の信条を真実にする日が来るという夢なのだ。

【解答例…他の表現方法ももちろんあると思いますので、宜しかったら例をShareしてください。 】

1. 開会挨拶
=Opening Remarks

2. 開催場所

3. OECD 事務総長
=OECD Secretary General

4. 今後の展望 
=Prospect for future action 


6. 私に何でもお申し付けください。
=I'm at your service.

=I'm counting on you.

8. 私は環境省の佐々木です。 
=I am Sasaki of Ministry of the Environment.

9. ジョンソン氏の提案は全くの理想論であって、現実的ではありません。
=Mr. Johnson's proposal is sheer idealism. It's just not realistic.

10. 環境保全は社会的使命です。 
=Protection of the environment is a social mission.

☆From Martin Luther King's famous speech...☆

① 今日の、そして明日の困難に直面してはいても、私にはなお夢がある。
=Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.

② それはアメリカンドリームに根差した夢である。
=It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

③ 将来、この国が立ち上がり、「全ての人間は平等である」というこの国の信条を真実にする日が来るという夢なのだ。
=I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:
 "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

How did it go? 



私:「.....to go to jail together.....knowing that we will be free one day...」
娘はびっくりして、「ちょっとー。いやだよ。今何て言った? Go to jail together? キモいよー。」






With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.

With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.

With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together,to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day...

●hew out=切り出す



Have a beautiful day! 

At your service


■I'm at your service.■


●We are always at your service.

●"Let's cooperate and make our project successful."

 "At your service."

●All our experience, all our knowledge and all our enthusiasm will be at your service.


この表現に気付いたのは「部長:島耕作」の英語版を読んでいて、島さんが自分のクライアントに会うときに「島です。よろしく」と日本語であったところが、「I'm Shima, at your service.」と英訳されていました。

日本語だと、「よろしく」と言うと相手に自分が困ったら何か助けをお願いするニュアンスがあるときが多いと思いますが、そんなニュアンスを込めたい場合で、「じゃ、よろしくお願いします。」というときは「Well, we're counting on you」といった表現が使ってありました。
"At your service"という表現はとても感じのいい、元気のいい英語表現だなと思ったので、ぜひ使ってみてください。 

I'll use it from today!
Hi everyone! I'm Yamamoto, at your service. :)

Are you a skeptic?

Hello everyone,
Please read the sentences written by Mike Adams, the editor of NaturalNews.com and answer the question.
I am thankful for intelligent, informed people.

Even though we live in a world of zombie people who forgot how to think for themselves, I'm always impressed by the amazing number of truly intelligent,thoughtful individuals I do meet -- people who are natural-born skeptics and who intelligently question everything going on around them in order to arrive at the deeper truths of our world.

Kudos to all of you, as I believe you are the individuals who represent the future of human civilization.

Question: What kind of people are intelligent, according to Mr. Adams?

A: People who watch and read various mainstream media news everyday

B: People who thoughtfully question everything going on around them

C: People who are working very hard without any questions

D: People who are studying about the future of human civilization

Answer: B



●born skeptic=生まれつきの懐疑論者 (質問を良くして真偽を自分で確かめる人)



例えば、英語に関して言えばTOEIC testについて変だなと感じたことはありませんか?











①聞く (インプット)
②読む (インプット)
③話す (アウトプット)
④書く  (アウトプット)
Let's keep asking questions.
Have a thoughtful day!