I have never been attracted by the laws created by humans, as my boss have never been happy dealing with the laws and often complained all day how ugly humans could be after he came back from the court.
On the contrary, the laws of nature seem to be so perfect and beautiful.
Look at this plant, Macodes Petola (It is also called "Gold line").
About Macodes Petola
Native to Sumatra and the Philippines, these small growing terrestrials have a fleshy creeping rhizome with 7 or 8 spiraling leaves that are oblong to round, fleshy, velvety and green with longitudinal and reticulated veins of gold.
The leaves are purple-green underneath.
The plant has small white flowers on an erect 8 to 10 inch long inflorescence.
These plants are really quite amazing as when held in sunlight the gold veins on the leaves sparkle as if covered in gold dust.
This plant is easy to grow and will develop into a multiple growth specimen in just a year or two.
●rhizome =地下茎
●oblong =楕円形の
●longitudinal =縦に走る
そうなんです、この植物の驚くところはwhen held in sunlight the gold veins on the leaves sparkle as if covered in gold dust.というところ。
まるで、宝石のように輝く葉を持つこの植物はJewel Orchid(宝石蘭)という素敵な名前もついています。
今日もGold lineが美しいMacodes Petolaさんに自然の法則を教えてもらいたいと思っています。